Our Programmes /我们的活动
Programmes | Date and Time | Venue | Descriptions |
Theravada Buddhist Studies in Chinese 南传上座部佛教课程 | Every Fri 每个星期五 7pm - 9.30pm | 2nd and 3rd floors 第2 和 3 楼课室 | Non-examination Mandarin Buddhism course. 6 Years Syllabus consists of The Life of Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sutta, the Dhammapada, Abhidhamma, Applied Buddhism and Insight Meditation. 课程为6年,教学⼤纲包括 “佛陀的⽣平,佛法,佛经,法句经,佛法研习,阿毗达摩和禅修理论与实习。⽆需考试。 |
Spiritual Support Group ⼼灵关怀组 | Ad Hoc 特别设定 | Ad Hoc 特别设定 | The SSG aims at providing timely comfort to those in needs through blessing, chanting and Dhamma Sharing, helping them to overcome their current predicaments with Faith and courage. ⼼灵关怀组旨在适时为有需要的⼈祈福,念经,分享佛法,提供适时的关 怀,让他们有信⼼与勇⽓⾯对困境。 |
Our Beginnings
The concept of starting the Theravada Buddhist Dhamma classes for the Mandarin speaking public is inspired and initiated by Bhante Raja. It was also supported by the MVBT chairman, Mr Lim Ah Swan. This was a groundbreaking move not only in the history of Mangala Vihara, but also for Theravada temples in Singapore where English was the default medium.
The TBSC classes started on 8th January 2010. The response was overwhelming, we had 103 students ranging from 20 to 75 years old. Mandarin Buddhism Course is 3years, non examination. Syllabus consist of The Life of Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sutta, the Dhammapada, Abhidhamma, Applied Buddhism and Insight Meditation.
Every new student will be given a textbook: “ Buddha and His Teachings” and lecture notes. Other programmes such as chanting and meditations are conducted weekly. Students are encouraged to practise, foster and develop the Qualities of Compassion, Truth and Loving Kindness. We hope that Theravada Buddhism will gradually flourish among the Mandarin speaking population in Singapore.
南传上座部佛教华⽂课程是由⼼法师发起,得到了MVBT 林主席的⼤⼒⽀持,共同创办起来。 这项⺫在祝福寺⾥写下创新的⼀⻚,在新加坡的南传部佛教⾥也是史⽆前例的。
课程于2010年1⽉8⽇开始,响应⾮常热烈。报名的学⽣⾼达103名,从20岁到75岁都前来。 为了加强学⽣的学习,每⼀班,都安排了2名经验丰富的⽼师共同受教。课程为3年,教学⼤纲包括 “佛陀的⽣平,佛法,佛经,法句经,佛法研习,阿毗达摩和禅修理论与实习。⽆需考试。
每个学⽣都会发送⼀本教科书: ”佛陀与佛法“。同学们另外也会被分发课程讲义。每周也举⾏诵经和禅修班,帮助学⽣获得更全⾯的学习。
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